2019 . MEDIA RELEASE . 16 December

Eyre Peninsula Cooperative Bulk Handling Limited (EPCBH) welcomes the Federal Government`s Investment into the future growth and diversification of the Eyre Peninsula. The opportunity to develop a port precinct to underpin economic growth across multiple industries was recognised by Iron Road Limited (ASX:IRD) over eight years ago. Community consultation directed the company to consider a multi-user, multi-commodity export facility. Continued input from the agricultural industries has led to the formation of Eyre Peninsula Cooperative Bulk Handling Limited, a grower owned cooperative that has worked with IRD to develop such a facility that can drive export competitiveness for the global markets that are the focus of Eyre Peninsula growers.
Mr Bruce Heddle, Chairman of EPCBH said:
“The Farmers’ Cooperative was formed to pursue any advantage for the region’s farmers and we firmly believe the best way to achieve this is to work in partnership with other industry sectors.
“Hence a partnership with mining and the broader business community to develop the Cape Hardy port precinct is logical, efficient and can provide a significant ongoing economic lift to the whole region.
“We believe the leadership shown by the Federal government is just the boost the region needs to meet challenging global competitive forces.”
Bruce Heddle
M: 0429 804 042


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